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Photos of the Week
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A selection of colourful small birds of Tanzania
On our travels to Tanzania, we have seen lots of colourful birds. A small selection you can see on the following photos:The White-Fronted Bee-Eateris a member of the bee-eater family. They breed in colonies with nesting holes up to 1m deep in steep river banks - The Little Bee-Eateris the smallest species, not breeding in colonies - The Black-Headed Weaveralso lives near waters - The Eastern Golden Weaveris living in the reed bed, building a nest with 2 rooms - The Buffalo Weaveris the biggest weaver - The Lilac-Breasted-Rolleris a member of the roller family - The Jacanasare sometimes called Jesus birds - The Superb Starlinghas a very shiny plumage - The Malachite Kingfischeris small but colourful - The Grey-Headed Kingfisher- The Brown-Hooded Kingfisherlooks nearly like the Grey-Headed one - The Giant Kingfisher is with a body up to 46cm the biggest kingfisher - The Pied Kingfisher is also one of the big kingfishers